

  • 【英文缩写】: ECSC
  • 【英文全称】: Ethical Culture School Camp (former children\'s camp, Cooperstown, New York)
  • 【中文解释】: 学校道德文化营前儿童营、陆军,纽约
  • 【缩写分类】: 机构组织
  • 【缩写简介】: ECSC 相关英文缩写
以上为Ethical Culture School Camp (former children\'s camp, Cooperstown, New York)英文缩略词ECSC的中文解释及分类。


英文缩写 英文全称 中文意思
ECSC Ethical Culture School Camp (former children\'s camp, Cooperstown, New York) 学校道德文化营前儿童营、陆军,纽约
ECSC European Conference on Satellite Communications 欧洲卫星通信会议
ECSC Electric Cooperatives of South Carolina, Inc. 南卡罗来纳州电力合作社。
ECSC European Economic and Social Committee (EU) 欧洲经济和社会委员会(欧盟)


  • ECSC 学校道德文化营前儿童营、陆军,纽约
  • ESAP Escola Superior ArtÍstica do Porto (Portugese: Artistic School of the Port)
  • ESB EncefalopatÍa Spongiforme Bovina (Spanish: Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy)
  • DPD Drejtoria e Përgjithshme e Doganave (Albanian: General Directorate of Dutys)
  • ETH Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology)
  • CFCM Conseil Français du Culte Musulman (French Council for the Muslim Religion)
  • CFM Computer fÜr Menschen Gmbh (German company for scanner drivers and software)
  • CIRA Recherches资讯中心的国际德在瑞士洛桑(l 'Anarchisme)
  • AIC Association Internationale des CharitÉs (International Society of Charities)
  • ACG Association Canadienne de GÉrontologie (Canadian Association on Gerontology)
  • ARCA AsociaciÓn para la Defensa de los Recursos Naturales de Cantabria (Spanish)
  • AEE AsociaciÓn Evangelica Emmanuel (Emmanuel Evangelical Association, Guatemala)
  • AFP Alliance des Forces de ProgrÈs (Alliance of the Forces of Progress, Senegal)
  • AVS Alpenverein SÜdtirol (Mountaineering and Climbing Federation of South Tyrol)
  • ASSN AcadÉmie Suisse des Sciences Naturelles (French: Swiss Academy of Sciences)